Cynthia Jurs is a soul daughter of Mother Earth and spiritual feminist Johnny Appleseed whom we have the privilege of walking beside on her pilgrimage to heal and protect Gaia. Forged by Thich Nhat Hanh and receiving surprising instructions from an ancient wise man in a cave, she evolves into a passionate Dharma Teacher and Lama. Her lesson plans are made of clay in the shape of a mother’s womb, birthing medicine in soil with deep core wounds. The stories of stewarding and planting Earth Treasure Vases are heartfelt and heartbreaking and this reader listens to the planet's call to us now with a more awakened heart.

– Marita Sherran, Earth Treasure Vase Steward, member Gaia Mandala 

If you only have time to read one book this year, this is the one I’d recommend. Like Joanna Macy’s World as Lover, World as Self, this book gets to the heart of our times. With fierce honesty, Cynthia invites us into her world. Sharing her path and practices, she touches on universal truths and guides us to practices to create a peaceful, thriving world for ourselves and all life. Words cannot begin to express how uplifted, comforted, entertained, inspired, and deeply moved I was by reading this book. I’m sure to reread it at least three times!

Ellen Dee Davidson, author & Gaia Mandala member

This is a mythical tale of epic scale – and it really happened. Dive into this story and share Cynthia’s surprise at the many ways healings and transformations take place both internally and in the physical world through these small but powerful vases. This is a truly delightful and deeply inspiring read, full of awe. I loved everything about Summoned by the Earth especially Cynthia’s honest telling of the story as she struggled to live up to this task she had been given. She quickly discovers she can’t do it alone. I especially appreciated her in-depth account of taking the first vases to a cave overlooking Los Alamos National Laboratory, home of the atomic bomb and a place that continues to produce weapons of mass destruction, and the surrounding bio-region – an area that is home for both of us. Cynthia’s acknowledgement of the First Peoples of this region is powerful (and necessary) and she uplifts their voices with respect.

– Maia Duerr

This book is so significant, I'm sure it will soon be translated into many languages. It is a must for all who love our earth.

– Cynthia West, artist and poet

Cynthia Jurs’ Summoned by the Earth is a profoundly moving story that charts a spiritual course over generations, weaving together nature, the feminine, and spiritual practice. The book is an inspiring testament to the power of what can unfold in our dedication to the Earth, and a teaching in the wisdom that the Earth offers to those who are willing to listen. Jurs offers a beautiful perspective born from her experiences as a Buddhist practitioner and a deep commitment to environmental stewardship. She shares with humility her encounters with and learning from diverse cultures and her commitment to healing in the face of trauma and deep suffering. This book serves as a moving reminder of our shared responsibility for caring for and deepening in relationship with the Earth.

– Kirsten Rudestam

Cynthia Jurs’ decades-long devotion to her summons is a joy to read. Her sweet dedication, astute reading of the soul of our world and the perils facing Earth, are matched by honest storytelling and the evidence of long time Buddhist practice. For all of us who have joined her in the Earth Treasure Vase practice, this is our story. For those seeking a grounded practice to further their love of our Earth, this is an inspiration!

– Judith Tripp, Labyrinth facilitator, pilgrimage leader, Vase Steward

Seeking mountain top wisdom from a cave dwelling Tibetan lama and burying holy vessels is far from my experience of Buddhism. But I've come to see Cynthia's journey as a practice of Wise Intention. Her initial intention was to be of service to healing the earth at this dire time. And the lama who advised her to bury holy vessels around the world gave her a symbolic means to connect with communities and individuals in shared concern. I honor and appreciate Cynthia's wise intention, her openness to engage, and her willingness to share her journey to inspire others.

– Stephanie Noble

It was an absolute honor to read this book, to delve into Cynthia’s work, and to feel that in reading this book I have shared the emotions that have risen within me with an entire global mandala of people’s prayers and wishes and hopes for a better world. I read this book slowly, purposefully, and with intention and I come out of it feeling as though I’ve been unzipped in a way, as if the healing work of the ETVs has been at play in my own life, as though the energy they create has reached a small tendril out into my life and has drawn me into the matrix of global hope that permeates outward from the center. My copy is now filled to the brim with notations, underlined passages, dog eared pages, and little colorful tabs to remind me of all the many ways in which Cynthia Jurs has spoken directly to my soul. I suspect this will be a re-read many times over and a gift I will be passing along to my friends. 

Throughout this amazing, eye opening, deeply moving work, Jurs does more than simply plant vessels, hoping they’ll perform miracles. No. She engages her Sangha, meditating on each vessel with specific intentions for each chosen location, doing decades worth of research into communities that might benefit most from this practice, and connecting with elders from across the world. Throughout this practice, in traveling to nearly every continent on this planet, she relies on the advice and acceptance of indigenous elders. Jurs remains humble, receiving whatever knowledge she can and simply facilitating the space for the vessels to be filled with the prayers and intentions of those who live on the land where they’ll be buried. Whatever you believe when it comes to the Earth Treasure Vases, it is clear that our global community is hurting. Bringing communities together for prayer and intention and peace is a symbol of profound hope that this world so desperately needs.

– Paige

Cynthia Jurs offered her life to Gaia and now she has offered us the amazing stories of her world travels in service to Mother Earth in this beautiful book! I am in awe of her courage and incredible energy as she has given so much with the Earth Treasure Vase practice. The stories she shares are truly mythic journeys. The teachings in her book embody practices both ancient and new. Her bold vision for healing Gaia has the effect of healing us all! The audio in her own voice brings forth the depth of Love that is beyond storytelling. Thank you, Cynthia, for completing the long journey of writing your book! I have wept at the beauty and full-hearted sharing contained within. This book is a holy vessel!

– Liza Jane Alexander, musician, Earth Treasure Vase Steward, Gaia Mandala member

Cynthia's journey is exemplary in its sustained commitment, but it is her gift of the practice of the Earth Treasure Vase that can so nourish our communities. Take some time and enjoy the journey with her and those of us who are also reading.

– Rae Taylor, poet & Gaia Mandala member

Cynthia Jurs brings us an inspiring true story of her many adventures—around the world and deep into her psyche— to fulfill the calling she received to bring healing to the world. In beautifully written prose, Jurs invites the reader along for a fascinating ride as she brings vases filled with sacred prayers and medicine to threatened and imperiled places, shares ceremonies with elders and wisdom keepers of many traditions and uncovers deep truths about our connection to spirit, to Gaia, to all life. In these troubling times, when many wonder how to bring about change, Jurs shows us the power of what one person can accomplish on behalf of our endangered world by embodying sacred activism and following one’s heart no matter where it leads.

– Kathleen Rude

Embark on an extraordinary journey with Cynthia Jurs in “Summoned by the Earth”, where an ancient Tibetan practice meets modern-day activism. Guided by a wise lama in the Himalayas, Cynthia’s quest to bury earth treasures vases filled with prayers around the globe transforms into a powerful act of healing for our planet. This riveting account of sacred activism weaves through diverse communities and ecosystems, inspiring a collective awakening. Jurs, a dedicated Buddhist teacher and honorary lama, shares her profound pilgrimage and the vibrant global community it has fostered. This is a must-read for anyone seeking to answer the call of the earth and become a vessel of healing in these urgent times.

– Anam

I just finished reading Cynthia Jurs’ wonderful book “Summoned by the Earth: Becoming a Holy Vessel for Healing Our World”. She beautifully weaves her personal story of recovering and healing her feminine with humanity’s urgent need to rebalance feminine and masculine energy in our world. As her journey progresses her connection with Gaia deepens to interbeing—becoming foundational in multi-dimensional ways. As a member of Cynthia’s sangha and an Earth Treasure Vase steward I can attest to her genuineness and the true community that’s arisen around her gentle leadership of the Gaia Mandala. If you want to be inspired about caring and protecting our earth, read this book.

– Olivia Fermi, Coach, Teacher, Family Constellation facilitator, Earth Treasure Vase Steward, Gaia Mandala member

Cynthia Jurs is one of the truly motivating activists and in the same time an authentical spiritual example of great honesty and humility. Her life experience, genuine Buddhist practice and fierce dedication to our beautiful Mother Earth touch me deeply. May her engagement generate in the heart of every reader, the strong aspiration to continue her meaningful work! A book full of hope and powerful insights!

– Francoise Guillot

Many readers may enjoy Summoned by the Earth by Cynthia Jurs, as Jurs has taken on the healing of the Earth in an epic way, dedicating herself to installing sacred vessels around the globe, following a little-known but intriguing Tibetan Buddhist tradition. In a narrative strongly informed by her knowledge of Buddhism as a teacher in the Thich Nhat Hanh lineage, she arrives at the need for a community dedicated to the goddess Gaia and a reappreciation of Buddhist Dharma as female-gendered.

– Bill Teague, Buddhist Education Committee

The story unfolds as a personal spiritual pilgrimage surrounding the planet with a net of hope, blessings, prayers and love that unites Peace Keepers everywhere. A deeply personal dive into actin that truly make difference! Much Aloha and Mahalo to Cynthia for her commitment and unwavering courage into the heart of worldwide conflicts to bring peace and love to Gaia!

– Se’ah Criss

This book is a transformative and deeply moving read that resonates on multiple levels. From the moment I opened this book, I was captivated by Cynthia's profound journey. Her eloquent storytelling and authentic voice shine through each page, offering readers a unique blend of personal narrative, spiritual insight, and practical wisdom. Five stars, without a doubt!

– Jessica Cross, Yoga Teacher

Here is a person who has traveled the world bringing symbolic offerings of healing and good will to special places and special peoples. Cynthia Jurs uses altruistic spiritual magic in the form of Buddhist Treasure Vases to heal the Earth and serve as an antidote to the worries and sufferings we encounter every day in the news and our daily life. If you would like to be uplifted and inspired, this is a book for you! 

– Chuck Pettis - Earth Sanctuary, author of Secrets of Sacred Space

An astounding account of the miraculous life that unfolds when one asks a question—“What can I do to bring healing and protection to Earth?”—and then says YES to the pathless path of heeding the invitation as answer. I can’t think of a person alive who has demonstrated such devotion to Mother Gaia and her healing. In Summoned by the Earth, Cynthia Jurs tells of her journey to lovingly steward Earth Treasure Vases to crucial areas around the planet as offerings of reciprocity, respect, and reverence for our home. Jurs writes with honesty and humility, and it inspires me to believe that any act I can do with love toward our beloved Earth truly does make a difference.

– Jennifer Comeau

This book is an exciting global adventure, a self-growth lesson, and ancient storytelling all wrapped into one amazing story. She has inspired me to wake up to the world around me and realize there is more to life than my current reality. Earth needs love and healing more than ever before and instead of feeling overwhelmed and hopeless, Cynthia shows us all that change is possible. My favorite part about this book was learning all the different cultures and customs she encountered. This book even includes pictures of her travels to various parts of the Earth and all the wise people she met. Cynthia has inspired me to recognize my own innate power and wisdom in order to be the change I wish to see in the world. If you’re ready to feel hopeful about the future amidst all the doom and gloom that is perpetuated, this book is for you. Don’t be surprised if you are ready to go travel the world after reading this incredible book! Do yourself, and the world, a favor and read this amazing true story.

– Annie Das

This book takes you on an incredible and wonderful journey to the place of Wisdom and knowing within oneself as Lama Cynthia Jurs recounts her lived experience of supporting and being supported by Mother Earth. This is a timely read, given the amount of love, respect and care that the Earth is calling for right now. For me, this book helped me to understand more clearly the global mandala of the living Earth, to become that much more acquainted with the web of life herself. I love to think of the energetic blessings the Earth Treasure Vases have brought to Gaia and to all sentient beings. I am so infinitely grateful that this book landed in my hands. I loved it and could barely put it down.

– Ashley Parsons

Cynthia Jurs’ book Summoned by the Earth is a litany of prayers and invocations for the healing of Mother Earth, and is a deeply personal telling of her life journey. This amazing expedition began in a cave high in the Himalayan mountains as she asked an esteemed Lama from Tibet the most important question of our time: How can we bring healing and protection to the Earth? Her book is a riveting account of the adventures that followed, as she set out to fulfill the task given her: to continue the ancient practice of the Earth Treasure Vases. As we turn the pages, her rhythmic incantatory retelling of the places, practices and people she encounters brings them palpably before the reader. We are introduced to dieties, nature spirits and Buddhas as well as first nation’s peoples, peace activists and earth protectors. Cynthia takes the reader not only on a travelogue of earth’s exquisite yet beleaguered and suffering landscapes, she takes us as well into landscapes of the soul. She is shown primordial truths and healing practices that have been held, protected for millennia, by earth’s indigenous peoples. She shows us the universal undeniable instructions ~ the qualities of the heart ~ necessary to become a true human being. She reminds us “Whoever we are and whatever we have lived through, we are all holy vessels.

– Sharifa Oppenheimer

How does one capture the essence of such a monumental story? Cynthia says it best herself. “My journey … always felt as if I were living in a mythic landscape, carrying out an epic assignment to do an impossible task.” Yet, after more than three decades, the journey continues. I’m in awe of the courage and commitment it has taken to follow this path. How inspiring it is to know that healing and protecting the Earth is, yes, mythic and epic but not impossible.

– Phebe Allen Gustafson

This is a heartfelt and accomplished account of a journey into the heart of Buddhist wisdom, compassion and healing for the earth and its inhabitants. It couldn't come at a better time as the need is so great. I highly recommend this book and the authentic wisdom Cynthia shares from her deep decades-long dedication to the path of awakening and liberation for all.

– Lisa Ernst

Summoned by the Earth by Cynthia Jurs is a remarkable story of what one person can do in these times of ecological peril and distress. The courage it took to fulfill her dharma, her calling is very inspiring and an exemplary lesson in following intuition despite seemingly overwhelming circumstances. One of the things I appreciate so much about this book is how it brings together people from all over the world and from different traditions, into a unified ritual that revolves around a shared responsibility for the well being of the Earth and future generations. This is what Earth wants, no doubt. That we unify, spread peace, act with brotherly and sisterly love towards each other, work together to heal ourselves and the planet. This book demonstrates this vision. Very inspiring. This book is a treasure vase in itself. It contains medicine for the heart that is burdened and weary with all the problems facing us. Highly recommended.

– Kathy Stanley

What a journey of journeys! Cynthia Jurs takes us on her paths of awakening to bodhicitta, the heart-mind of awakening. The book opens in the mountains of Nepal in 1990. Jurs brings us on her explorations of how to embody herself to be ready for the spiritual path of finding personal and, then collective skillful means to enact the mission given to her by His Eminence Kushok Mangdon: to have made and then distribute Earth Treasure Vases as a means to healing self, others, and our Earth. This is a book to take your time to, not only read, but, like a good arm-chair traveler, to whole-heartedly join in on Jurs’ personal and community-connecting endeavors, witnessing both her and their challenges as well as joyful celebrations. In Soto Zen we have an expression called, “Way-Seeking Heart-Mind.” This is such a journey: Nothing left out. Collective. United in living together open-hearted and open-minded, and thus, healing one and all.

– Liên Shutt

This is a spectacular book, taking the reader on a deeply heart opening journey. In these times of ecological uncertainty and despair, reading a true story of a woman’s lifelong mission to do her part to restore balance on earth is medicine for the soul. This book restores the reader’s faith, expands our imagination for what is possible, and inspires us to take big leaps, making offerings and prayers that can impact reality in ways that the mind is incapable of imagining. I highly recommend this beautiful book!

– Marysia Miernowska

Summoned by The Earth is no ordinary read. I felt this book by the author, Cynthia Jurs, was like a profound message coming from the Great Mother Gaia herself and speaking directly to our souls to support our awakening at this time of the great shifting of the ages. She eloquently shares her personal journey while shedding light on positive narratives and solutions for us to move forward as stewards of Gaia, rather than dominators. This is the book that should be made mandatory for school children to read instead of Brave New World or 1984. Thank you, Cynthia, for putting into words all that has been unspoken when it comes to our relationship to the living, breathing biosphere.  It is a must-read for anyone who cares about the future of our species. 

– Malaika MaVeena Darville

I was truly fascinated by this book and the concept of sacred activism, which is a subject that over the past year has been seeping more and more into my awareness. In witnessing our society’s widening disconnect from the natural world and the proliferation of destruction to Gaia and the huge losses of biodiversity I have often found myself grappling with trying to maintain hope whilst feeling at times utterly powerless, as I too have wondered, “How can I help make a difference?”. In Summoned By The Earth and Cynthia's remarkable journey I found an incredible offering to consider my own understanding of activism, my connection to Gaia and alternative ways of helping to co-create healing in our world. 

Cynthia’s book, like the stories of the vases it shares, is in itself a beautiful prayer of healing to the Earth. It offers so much wisdom for all who read it and then take the time to embody what is shared. Sacred Activism is truly a radical act, requiring us to stop and to step outside the paradigms that have created the world we currently witness, in this new space we are able to come home to Gaia to connect to our true nature’s and having set down the narrative of fear, act from a place of love, free from preconceived ideas of what should be. I urge you to read this book and share it with your friends, as this is the wisdom we need if we are to answer mother nature’s pleas for help and to facilitate a restoration of balance and harmony to the web of life for the benefit of the Earth and the whole of humanity.

– Fiona MacKay, The Nurtured by Nature Podcast

This story is inspiring and right up my alley. It's beautifully written. No matter how small we feel, our intentions can make a difference. If more people read this book, and helped spread healing to the Earth, it could make a difference. Prayer circles and intentions can help, with enough positive energies, healing can be done.

– Amanda

Are you ready for an unforgettable journey? This book by Cynthia Jurs is at once an adventure story, a spiritual memoir, and an inspiring text filled with feminine wisdom facing our broken and beautiful world. I was fascinated by the incredible journey that Cynthia embarked on, her question leading to a sacred quest to embed Earth Treasure Vases around the globe, bringing her into communion and conversation with people all over the world. Her story left me with a greater understanding of traditions I’ve never encountered before, as well as an appreciation for the essential step of bearing witness to the truth as a first step of healing. One line from a late chapter in the book is still resonating with me. In the face of crushing grief, she writes, “....I get up and stand tall and strong, the wind pounding me in the face. But I do not turn away. Even if the end of life on Earth is near, I will meet the gale with all I’ve got.” Does it get any more hopepunk than that? Thank you, Cynthia, for your dedication to healing our world and for sharing your story.

– H R Harrison Cline

Aprofound journey as each page elucidates such heartfelt stories that unravel your absolute commitment to find your soul and we get to travel along. Each page has me captivated of your journey in your sharing. With gentle hands I hold this book and turn each page of deliciousness wanting more! You are a treasure, deep, generous, giving and loving. What a gift you are to all those around you and for the earth who holds you!

– Liznola

Are you ready for an unforgettable journey? This book is at once an adventure story, a spiritual memoir, and an inspiring text filled with feminine wisdom facing our broken and beautiful world. I was fascinated by the incredible journey that Cynthia Jurs embarked on, her question leading to a sacred quest to embed Earth Treasure Vases around the globe, bringing her into communion and conversation with people all over the world. Her story left me with a greater understanding of traditions I’ve never encountered before, as well as an appreciation for the essential step of bearing witness to the truth as a first step of healing. One line from a late chapter in the book is still resonating with me. In the face of crushing grief, she writes, “....I get up and stand tall and strong, the wind pounding me in the face. But I do not turn away. Even if the end of life on Earth is near, I will meet the gale with all I’ve got.” Thank you, Cynthia, for your dedication to healing our world and for sharing your story.

– Holly

This book is an exciting global adventure, a self-growth lesson, and ancient storytelling all wrapped into one amazing story. Cynthia was tasked with spreading hope and healing by dispersing Earth Treasure Vases throughout the planet. The vases are meant to bring healing and safety to the world by incorporating local traditions where they are buried. I was in awe of her bravery in carrying out this mission, even when it meant going to dangerous locations. She has inspired me to wake up to the world around me and realize there is more to life than my current reality. Earth needs love and healing more than ever before and instead of feeling overwhelmed and hopeless, Cynthia shows us all that change is possible. My favorite part about this book was learning all the different cultures and customs she encountered. This book even includes pictures of her travels to various parts of the Earth and all the wise people she met. I kept going back to the pictures several times, in awe of these amazing humans who are keeping ancient wisdom alive. She was so fortunate to go on this journey and share ancient learnings and traditions with us that are otherwise forgotten about in this world of social media and consumerism. Cynthia has inspired me to recognize my own innate power and wisdom in order to be the change I wish to see in the world. If you’re ready to feel hopeful about the future amidst all the doom and gloom that is perpetuated, this book is for you. Don’t be surprised if you are ready to go travel the world after reading this incredible book! Do yourself, and the world, a favor and read this amazing true story. Thank you, Cynthia, for this precious gift!


I found this book to be a refreshing perspective on incorporating traditional Buddhistic practices into modern day society- as well as the necessity for healing, compassion and love. Not only does the author captivate its audience through real word example and metaphysical concept, but the writing itself is engaging. The emphasis on the appreciation for our current world speaks volumes considering the societal climate, and I found myself invested from start to finish.

– Marie

This is a heartfelt and accomplished account of a journey into the heart of Buddhist wisdom, compassion and healing for the earth and its inhabitants. It couldn't come at a better time as the need is so great. I highly recommend this book and the authentic wisdom Cynthia shares from her deep decades-long dedication to the path of awakening and liberation for all.

–  L. Lellwood

Cynthia Jurs’ book Summoned by the Earth is a litany of prayers and invocations for the healing of Mother Earth, and is a deeply personal telling of her life journey. This amazing expedition began in a cave high in the Himalayan mountains as she asked an esteemed Lama from Tibet the most important question of our time: How can we bring healing and protection to the Earth? Her book is a riveting account of the adventures that followed, as she set out to fulfill the task given her: to continue the ancient practice of the Earth Treasure Vases. For our planet’s revivification and renewal she must carry small clay vessels filled with prayers, medicines, offerings and blessings to the sacred “meridian points” of Gaia. As we turn the pages, her rhythmic incantatory retelling of the places, practices and people she encounters brings them palpably before the reader. We are introduced to dieties, nature spirits and Buddhas as well as first nation’s peoples, peace activists and earth protectors. Cynthia takes the reader not only on a travelogue of earth’s exquisite yet beleaguered and suffering landscapes, she takes us as well into landscapes of the soul. She is shown primordial truths and healing practices that have been held, protected for millennia, by earths indigenous peoples. She shows us the universal undeniable instructions ~ the qualities of the heart ~ necessary to become a true human being. She reminds us “Whoever we are and whatever we have lived through, we are all holy vessels. We are treasures, each of us holding the medicine to heal the world.” Read this book!!

– Patricia O